Use "microprobe|microprobes" in a sentence

1. 16 This is needed for electron microprobe or back-scattered Scanning Electron Microscope work where a perfect surface is required.

2. Nothing other than Raman microprobe analysis can easily distinguish allotropic forms of carbon from particulate contaminants.

3. Electron microprobe analysis documents that Arsenopyrite weathers along two pathways: one that involves formation of sulfur, and one that does n …

4. A linear algebraic model for the sequence-independent calculation of pyroxene components of microprobe analyses is presented.

5. Electron microprobe step-scanning of gold from Alder Gulch, Montana, suggests more than one mineralization event took place.

6. Interfaces of less than 50 nm could be measured with careful adaption of the microprobe and with appropriate experimental conditions.

7. 17 In some ways it is therefore similar to electron microprobe analysis, but it is more sensitive than the latter.

8. 30 Activator and quencher ions may produce their effects at extremely low concentrations, below the detection limits of the electron microprobe.

9. Ladd Research sells a wide variety of Apertures, microholes, filaments & screens for scanning and transmission electron microscopes (SEM, FESEM and TEM), Microprobe systems, and Focused Ion Beam

10. 18 Electron microprobe element maps show the distribution and quantity of alkali feldspar in the fine-grained groundmass of the altered basalts.

11. Zircon in the Ririwai biotite granite, and its albitized and greisenized varieties, is described by reflected-light and backscattered-electron (BSE) microscopy, and electron-microprobe analysis.

12. The application of the laser microprobe mass analyser (LAMMA) to several acyclic quaternary ammonium salts with aliphatic and aromatic substituents was investigated.

13. Major elements microprobe analyses are presented for Biotites from mineralized and barren biotite granite phases in the Afu Younger Granite Complex of Central Nigeria

14. Microprobe analyses indicated that stoichiometric Bornites did not change composition significantly during the course of reaction, while optically homogeneous but non-stoichiometric Bornites grew increasingly metal-deficient

15. Photography In the field of metallurgy, Aphelion ActiveX components have been used to do metallography in conjunction with electron microscopes (SEM) and microprobe (EDS) to quantify and analyze inclusions in steel.

16. In rock samples of a Middle Devonian spilitized basaltic sill near Langelsheim (Northwestern Harz Mountains) the following mineral assemblage: pumpellyite + prehnite + epidote + actinolite grown in a groundmass of albite, chlorite, calcite and quartz has been studied by use of a microprobe.

17. Abstract Columbite crystals from niobium-yttrium-fluorine (NYF) pegmatites lacking zircon or containing metamict cyrtolite were analyzed for major and minor elements (Electron Microprobe (EMP)), trace elements (Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS)), and U-Pb geochronology (Laser AblationMulti-Collector-Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry (LA …